++++ News ++++ .. contents:: Contents: :backlinks: none SQLObject 0.8.7 =============== Released 10 Jan 2008. * A number of changes ported from `SQLObject 0.7.10`_. SQLObject 0.8.6 =============== Released 30 Oct 2007. * Removed SelectResults.__nonzero__, which was a design mistake. Raising an exception in __nonzero__() is inconsistent with other iterators (bool(iter([])) => True). * A number of changes ported from `SQLObject 0.7.9`_. SQLObject 0.8.5 =============== Released 25 July 2007. Bug Fixes --------- * Suppress the second RowUpdateSignal in .set() called from ._SO_setValue(). SQLObject 0.8.4 =============== Released 10 May 2007. Bug Fixes --------- * A number of bugfixes forward-ported from 0.7.7. SQLObject 0.8.3 =============== Released 3 May 2007. Bug Fixes --------- * A number of bugfixes forward-ported from 0.7.6. SQLObject 0.8.2 =============== Released 11 Apr 2007. Bug Fixes --------- * Fixed ConnectionHub.doInTransaction() - if the original connection was processConnection - reset processConnection, not threadConnection. SQLObject 0.8.1 =============== Released 19 Mar 2007. Bug Fixes --------- * ID columns are reverted back from INT UNSIGNED to INT for MySQL to be in accord with FOREIGN KEYs. * Fixed return value from Firebird/MaxdbConnection.createTable(). * Fixed and simplified DatabaseIndex.get(). * Fixed ConnectionHub.doInTransaction() - close low-level connection on commit() to prevent connections leaking. SQLObject 0.8.0 =============== Released 12 Feb 2007. Features & Interface -------------------- * It is now possible to create tables that reference each other. Constraints (in the DBMSes that support constraints) are added after the tables have been created. * Added ``createSQL`` as an option for sqlmeta. Here you can add related SQL you want executed by sqlobject-admin create after table creation. createSQL expects a string, list, or dictionary. If using a dictionary the key should be a dbName value (ex. 'postgres') and the value should be a string or list. Examples in sqlobject/tests/test_sqlobject_admin.py or at * Added method ``sqlhub.doInTransaction(callable, *args, **kwargs)``, to be used like:: sqlhub.doInTransaction(process_request, os.environ) This will run ``process_request(os.environ)``. The return value will be preserved. * Added method ``.getOne([default])`` to ``SelectResults`` (these are the objects returned by ``.select()`` and ``.selectBy()``). This returns a single object, when the query is expected to return only one object. The single argument is the value to return when zero results are found (more than one result is always an error). If no default is given, it is an error if no such object exists. * Added a WSGI middleware (in ``sqlobject.wsgi_middleware``) for configuring the database for the request. Also handles transactions. Available as ``egg:SQLObject`` in Paste Deploy configuration files. * New joins! ManyToMany and OneToMany; not fully documented yet, but still more sensible and smarter. * SELECT FOR UPDATE * New module dberrors.py - a hierarchy of exceptions. Translation of DB API module's exceptions to the new hierarchy is performed for SQLite and MySQL. * SQLiteConnection got a new keyword "factory" - a name or a reference to a factory function that returns a connection class; useful for implementing functions or aggregates. See test_select.py and test_sqlite_factory.py for examples. * SQLObject now disallows columns with names that collide with existing variables and methods, such as "_init", "expire", "set" and so on. Small Features -------------- * Configurable client character set (encoding) for MySQL. * Added a close option to .commit(), so you can close the transaction as you commit it. * DecimalValidator. * Added .expireAll() methods to sqlmeta and connection objects, to expire all instances in those cases. * String IDs. * FOREIGN KEY for MySQL. * Support for sqlite3 (a builtin module in Python 2.5). * SelectResults cannot be queried for truth value; in any case it was meaningless - the result was always True; now __nonzero__() raises NotImplementedError in case one tries bool(MyTable.select()) or "if MyTable.select():..." * With empty parameters AND() and OR() returns None. * Allows to use set/frozenset sets/Set/ImmutableSet sets as sequences passed to the IN operator. * ID columns are now INT UNSIGNED for MySQL. Bug Fixes --------- * Fixed problem with sqlite and threads; connections are no longer shared between threads for sqlite (except for :memory:). * The reference loop between SQLObject and SQLObjectState eliminated using weak references. * Another round of bugfixes for MySQL errors 2006 and 2013 (SERVER_GONE, SERVER_LOST). * Fixed a bug in MSSQLConnection caused by column names being unicode. * Fixed a bug in FirebirdConnection caused by column names having trailing spaces. * Order by several columns with inheritance. * Fixed aggregators and accumulators with inheritance. SQLObject 0.7.10 ================ Released 10 Jan 2008. * With PySQLite2 do not use encode()/decode() from PySQLite1 - always use base64 for BLOBs. * MySQLConnection doesn't convert query strings to unicode (but allows to pass unicode query strings if the user build ones). DB URI parameter sqlobject_encoding is no longer used. SQLObject 0.7.9 =============== Released 30 Oct 2007. Bug Fixes --------- * Remove 'limit' from SelectResults after setting start/end so .clone() never sees limit again. * Fixed a bug in sqlbuilder._LikeQuoted() - call sqlrepr() on the expression to escape single quotes if the expression is a string. * Fixed StringCol and UnicodeCol: use sqlType with MSSQL. * Fixed startswith/endswith/contains for UnicodeCol. Other Changes ------------- * Changed the default value for 'varchar' in BLOBColumns from 'auto' to False (so that the default type for the columns in MySQL is BLOB, not TEXT). * Changed the implementation type in BoolCol under MySQL from TINYINT to BOOL (which is a synonym for TINYINT(1)). SQLObject 0.7.8 =============== Released 25 July 2007. Bug Fixes --------- * Replaced calls to style.dbColumnToPythonAttr() in joins.py by name/dbName lookup in case the user named columns differently using dbName. * Minor correction in the tests: we fully support EnumCol in Postgres. * MySQLConnection now recognizes Enum, Double and Time columns when drawing the database scheme from DB. * Minor fix in FirebirdConnection.fromDatabase. * Fixed a bug with default field values for columns for Firebird connection. * Fixed a bug in col.createSQL(). * Fixed a bug in converting date/time for years < 1000 (time.strptime() requires exactly 4 digits for %Y, hence a year < 1000 must be 0-padded). Other Changes ------------- * Changed string quoting style for PostgreSQL and MySQL from \\' to ''. SQLObject 0.7.7 =============== Released 10 May 2007. Bug Fixes --------- * Fixed a bug in SQLRelatedJoin that ignored per-instance connection. * Fixed a bug in MySQL connection in case there is no charset in the DB URI. SQLObject 0.7.6 =============== Released 3 May 2007. Bug Fixes --------- * Fixed a longstanding bug with .select() ignoring 'limit' parameter. * Fixed a bug with absent comma in JOINs. * Fixed sqlbuilder - .startswith(), .endswith() and .contains() assumed their parameter must be a string; now you can pass an SQLExpression: Table.q.name.contains(func.upper('a')), for example. * Fixed a longstanding bug in sqlbuilder.Select() with groupBy being a sequence. * Fixed a bug with Aliases in JOINs. * Yet another patch to properly initialize MySQL connection encoding. * Fixed a minor comparison problem in test_decimal.py. * More documentation about orderBy. SQLObject 0.7.5 =============== Released 11 Apr 2007. Bug Fixes --------- * Fixed test_deep_inheritance.py - setup classes in the correct order (required for Postgres 8.0+ which is strict about referential integrity). * Fixed a bug in DateValidator caused by datetime being a subclass of date. SQLObject 0.7.4 =============== Released 19 Mar 2007. Small Features -------------- * For MySQLdb 1.2.2+ call ping(True) on the connection to allow autoreconnect after a timeout. Bug Fixes --------- * Another round of changes to create/drop the tables in the right order in the command-line client `sqlobject-admin`. * Fixed a bug in UnicodeField - allow comparison with None. SQLObject 0.7.3 =============== Released 30 Jan 2007. Bug Fixes --------- * Allow multiple MSSQL connections. * Psycopg1 requires port to be a string; psycopg2 requires port to be an int. * Fixed a bug in MSSQLConnection caused by column names being unicode. * Fixed a bug in FirebirdConnection caused by column names having trailing spaces. * Fixed a missed import in firebirdconnection.py. * Remove a leading slash in FirebirdConnection. * Fixed a bug in deep Inheritance tree. SQLObject 0.7.2 =============== Released 20 Nov 2006. Features & Interface -------------------- * sqlbuilder.Select now supports JOINs exactly like SQLObject.select. * destroySelf() removes the object from related joins. Bug Fixes --------- * Fixed a number of unicode-related problems with newer MySQLdb. * If the DB API driver returns timedelta instead of time (MySQLdb does this) it is converted to time; but if the timedelta has days an exception is raised. * Fixed a number of bugs in InheritableSQLObject related to foreign keys. * Fixed a bug in InheritableSQLObject related to the order of tableRegistry dictionary. * A bug fix that allows to use SQLObject with DateTime from Zope. Documentation Added ------------------- * Added "How can I define my own intermediate table in my Many-to-Many relationship?" to FAQ. SQLObject 0.7.1 =============== Released 25 Sep 2006. Features & Interface -------------------- * Added support for psycopg2_ .. _psycopg2: http://initd.org/projects/psycopg2 * Added support for MSSQL. * Added ``TimeCol``. * ``RelatedJoin`` and ``SQLRelatedJoin`` objects have a ``createRelatedTable`` keyword argument (default ``True``). If ``False``, then the related table won't be automatically created; instead you must manually create it (e.g., with explicit SQLObject classes for the joins). * Implemented ``RLIKE`` (regular expression LIKE). * Moved _idSequence to sqlmeta.idSequence. Small Features -------------- * Select over RelatedJoin. * SQLite foreign keys. * Postgres DB URIs with a non-default path to unix socket. * Allow the use of foreign keys in selects. * Implemented addColumn() for SQLite. * With PySQLite2 use encode()/decode() from PySQLite1 for BLOBCol if available; else use base64. Bug Fixes --------- * Fixed a longstanding problem with UnicodeCol - at last you can use unicode strings in .select() and .selectBy() queries. There are some limitations, though; see the description of the UnicodeCol_. .. _UnicodeCol: SQLObject.html#column-types * Cull patch (clear cache). * .destroySelf() inside a transaction. * Synchronize main connection cache during transaction commit. * Ordering joins with NULLs. * Fixed bugs with plain/non-plain setters. * Lots of other bug fixes. SQLObject 0.7.0 =============== Features & Interface -------------------- * Inheritance. See Inheritance.html_ .. _Inheritance.html: Inheritance.html * Date/time validators, converters, tests. * Both `mxDateTime `_ and `datetime `_ supported for ``DateTimeCol``. * Added ``BLOBCol``, for binary data. * Added ``PickleCol``, to transparently pickle and unpickle data from column. * New `documented reflection interface `_, using the new ``.sqlmeta`` class/instance. Most special attributes that started with ``_`` were moved into ``sqlmeta`` (with leading underscore removed). * New aggregate functions for select results, like ``cls.select().max(columnName)``: ``.max()``, ``.min()``, ``.avg()``. * ``ConnectionHub`` aka ``sqlhub`` (@@: Needs documentation) * Command-line client `sqlobject-admin `_. * ``StringCol`` has ``char_binary`` attribute, for explicit case handling in MySQL. * Various joins now supported (LEFT, RIGHT, STRAIGHT, INNER, OUTER, CROSS): see `documentation `_. Aliases for joining a table with itself. * Subqueries/subselects (`see docs `_). * Select results support ``.filter(extra_query)`` * ``SQLMultipleJoin`` and ``SQLRelatedJoin``, like ``MultipleJoin`` and ``RelatedJoin``, except return select results (@@: Document). * `SingleJoin `_. * Columns retain their order from the class definition to table creation. * SQLObject now depends on the `FormEncode `_ library, and internal conversion/validation is done through FormEncode (was previously using old fork of FormEncode). * Column instances can have attributes set on them (generally for annotating columns with extra data). Other Changes ------------- * When iterating over select results, a list is now immediately created with the full list of instances being selected. Before instances were created on demand, as select results were pulled out row-by-row. The previous lazy behavior is available with the method ``lazyIter``, used like ``for obj in MyClass.select().lazyIter(): ...``. * Test framework now uses `py.test `_. * SQLObject now uses a simpler metaclass (``sqlobject.declarative.DeclarativeMeta``). * autoCommit and queryIns ?? (@@: expand) * Deprecation (@@: document) * Use `setuptools `_ for packaging and installation. Small Features -------------- * ``IntValidator`` for testing ``IntCol`` inputs. * Base style (``sqlobject.styles.Style``) is now a usable no-op style. * SQLite in-memory databases allowed with ``sqlite:/:memory:`` * Keyword parameters allowed to ``connectionForURI`` (like ``debug=True``). * More parameters passed to MySQL connections (unix_socket, named_pipe, init_command, read_default_file, read_default_group, connect_time, compress, named_pipe, use_unicode, client_flag, local_infile). * ``DateTimeCol.now`` is a function for producing the current date, using whatever date/time module you are using (good for use as a default). * Inherited classes fetched more efficiently (fewer queries). * Decimal converter to create `decimal objects `_. * Repository rearranged (now in ``http://svn.colorstudy.com/SQLObject/trunk``). Bug Fixes --------- * Tables with no columns can work. Why would you have a table without a column? We do not know, we try only to serve. * Sybase ``_fromDatabase`` fixed. * Various fixes to support most recent ``MySQLdb`` adapter, and ``pysqlite`` adapters. * URI parsing improved, including Windows paths (for use with SQLite). * ``selectBy(column=None)`` creates ``IS NULL`` query. * ``selectBy(foreignKey=value)`` now supported (not just selecting by foreign key ID). * ``cascade='null'`` wasn't working properly (was cascading all deletes, not nullifying!). * Lots of other bug fixes. `Older news`__ .. __: News1.html .. image:: https://sourceforge.net/sflogo.php?group_id=74338&type=10 :target: https://sourceforge.net/projects/sqlobject :class: noborder :align: center :height: 15 :width: 80 :alt: Get SQLObject at SourceForge.net. Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads