Source code for sqlobject.conftest

"""This module is used by pytest to configure testing"""

    import pkg_resources
except ImportError:

# Override some options (doesn't override command line):
verbose = 0
exitfirst = True

connectionShortcuts = {
    'mysql': 'mysql://test@localhost/test',
    'dbm': 'dbm:///data',
    'postgres': 'postgres:///test',
    'postgresql': 'postgres:///test',
    'pygresql': 'pygresql://localhost/test',
    'sqlite': 'sqlite:/:memory:',
    'sybase': 'sybase://test:test123@sybase/test?autoCommit=0',
    'mssql': 'mssql://sa:@'

[docs]def pytest_addoption(parser): """Add the SQLObject options""" parser.addoption( '-D', '--Database', action="store", dest="Database", default='sqlite', help="The database to run the tests under (default sqlite). " "Can also use an alias from: %s" % (', '.join(connectionShortcuts.keys()))) parser.addoption( '-S', '--SQL', action="store_true", dest="show_sql", default=False, help="Show SQL from statements (when capturing stdout the " "SQL is only displayed when a test fails)") parser.addoption( '-O', '--SQL-output', action="store_true", dest="show_sql_output", default=False, help="Show output from SQL statements (when capturing " "stdout the output is only displayed when a test fails)") parser.addoption( '-E', '--events', action="store_true", dest="debug_events", default=False, help="Debug events (print information about events as they are " "sent)")
option = None
[docs]def pytest_configure(config): """Make cmdline arguments available to dbtest""" global option option = config.option
[docs]def setup_tests(): if option.debug_events: from sqlobject import events events.debug_events()