Source code for sqlobject.tests.test_postgres

import os
import pytest
from sqlobject import SQLObject, StringCol, IntCol
from sqlobject.sqlbuilder import Select, SOME
from sqlobject.tests.dbtest import getConnection, setupClass

# Test PosgreSQL sslmode

    connection = getConnection()
except (AttributeError, NameError):
    # The module was imported during documentation building
    if connection.dbName != "postgres":
        pytestmark = pytest.mark.skip("These tests require PostgreSQL")

[docs]class SOTestSSLMode(SQLObject): test = StringCol()
[docs]def test_sslmode(): setupClass(SOTestSSLMode) connection = SOTestSSLMode._connection if (not connection.module.__name__.startswith('psycopg')) or \ ( == 'nt'): pytest.skip("The test requires PostgreSQL, psycopg and ssl mode; " "also it doesn't work on w32") connection = getConnection(sslmode='require') SOTestSSLMode._connection = connection test = SOTestSSLMode(test='test') # Connect to the DB to test sslmode connection.cache.clear() test =[0] assert test.test == 'test'
######################################## # Test PosgreSQL list{Database,Tables} ########################################
[docs]class SOTestSOList(SQLObject): pass
[docs]def test_list_databases(): assert connection.db in connection.listDatabases()
[docs]def test_list_tables(): setupClass(SOTestSOList) assert SOTestSOList.sqlmeta.table in connection.listTables()
[docs]class SOTestSOME(SQLObject): value = IntCol()
[docs]def test_SOME(): setupClass(SOTestSOME) SOTestSOME(value=10) SOTestSOME(value=20) SOTestSOME(value=30) assert len(list( SOTestSOME.q.value > SOME(Select([SOTestSOME.q.value]))))) == 2
[docs]class SOTestPgidSize(SQLObject): class sqlmeta: idSize = 'BIG'
[docs]def test_idSize(): assert 'id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY' \ in SOTestPgidSize.createTableSQL(connection=connection)[0]